Different heating options for warehouses

If you have a large warehouse space with employees working all year round in often cold conditions then you need a suitable warehouse heating system. At TPS we can help you find the ideal heating system for your warehouse space that will be cost effective as well as the ideal solution for keeping your staff warm. The most common warehouse heating system we have is warm air blowers which are an ideal industrial heating unit for warehouses. Before deciding on the best option it is practical to consider the pros and cons to having a warm air blower system operating in your warehouse space which are listed below.


  • Energy Efficient
  • Low running costs
  • Comfortable and even heat distribution
  • Suspended units leaving the floor space unaffected
  • Programmable
  • Year round usage for air movement and cooling
  • Multi are heating via ductwork
  • Energy cost savings of approximately 15 – 25 %


  • Suspended units will require cleaning
  • Requires regular servicing to be maintained
  • Can be noisy
  • Produces a dry heat which can cause dry skin, lips and can affect asthma suffers working in the area
  • Expensive to purchase and install
  • If you have warehouse doors open on a regular basis it can cause temperature issues and increase costs.
  • You may require added insulation to prevent damp from condensation
  • Routing ducts requires a professional and can be expensive

There are many benefits to warm air blower systems and they are far more common in warehouse spaces than radiant heaters. Warm air blowers will give a far more even distribution of heat than a radiant heater but you do need to consider all the heating options available to you before you make a decision. Whichever route you choose to go down, heating a warehouse space is not cheap and because of the expense involved you really need to be certain which solution will suit your requirements best. At TPS we can go through all the heating options available to you and advise you on what might be best.

One of the fist things we would do is understand the size of your warehouse. From this we can help you to decide if you would benefit from suspended industrial heating units or free standing units. Our aim is to provide you with a heating solution that works for you in terms of cost and also effectiveness.

Why air conditioning is a necessity

Air conditioning in its most classic definition is termed as a device that aims to maintain suitable humidity in all parts of a building and free the air of excessive humidity during certain conditions. In summer air conditioning will cool a building, whilst in winter air conditioning will help to heat up a building. Furthermore throughout the whole year air conditioning supplied constant and adequate ventilation, whilst also removing microorganisms, dust, soot and other foreign bodies from the air. Finally air condition offers all the previously mentioned services in an apparatus that in not cost-prohibited in purchase of maintenance. This is the definition that the ‘father of air conditioning’ Willis Carrier adhered to. Although much still stands the same I now look to propose additional reasons why you need air conditioning.

Controllable comfort

Modern air conditioners enable you to keep your home at the temperature you feel comfortable with throughout the year; whether it is a sweaty summers night or a shivering winter evening, air conditioning means you do not have to endure the discomfort of the fluctuating climate.

Evidence has been found to suggest that comfortable temperatures lead to increased productivity and decreased incidents of conflict.

Silent Operation

Air conditioning is much more quiet compared to tabletop and pedestal fans offering you peace and quiet to continue with your day-to-day living.

Improved Home Security

The ability to keep windows shut during the hot summer months improves the security at home; especially during the night when you are not conscious yet demand a comfortable temperature. Air conditioning insures a safe, secure and comfortable nights sleep.

Reduction of energy bills

The heating capabilities of the modern air-conditioning systems are achieved by the use of high-energy efficient heat pump technology. These systems, compared to alternate electric heating systems, use 80% less energy.

Convenient heat just when you need it

Air conditioning systems are able to offer immediate heat, a luxury not offered by conventional heating systems. This factor is a desirable quality in the British climate, which is renowned for being unpredictable, meaning that energy efficient heat is needed at the touch of the button.

Allergy control

As the air in the room is re-circulated through filters, trapping dust and pollen, the potential for an allergic reaction is removed.

Benefits of Air Conditioning in the Workplace

Air conditioning can make employees comfortable while they are at work, but having them feel comfortable is more than a nice gesture on the employer’s part. An employee who’s hot and miserable tends to be less productive than those who enjoy even temperatures. Of course in addition to comfortable employees, customers also will appreciate the air conditioning as they shop or do business in your space and it is possible that they may be more amenable to buying if they feel comfortable while they do so.

Besides the comfort and productivity of the employees, are there more benefits of air conditioning in the workplace? The answer is yes. There are other benefits. One is that there may be fewer days off by employees who are sick. Air conditioning may help keep employees from getting sick or suffering with allergies because there are filters within most systems that can cut down on allergens in the air and can eliminate other environmental irritants from the air. Keeping those at bay may mean some healthier employees. While the physical health is possibly improved by air conditioning, there also can be a positive effect on the moods of the employees because tempers may flare in the high heat and humidity causing rifts between employees and potential client confrontation. That can be avoided to some extent if the heat stress is removed from the equation.

What about any risks to security? If there is no air conditioning there might be a need to open windows and depending on the nature of the goods or service that is delivered this could be a problem with easy access into the building.

Technology is important to most businesses and so air conditioning can play a part in the health of the computers and servers that are on site. Computers can overheat in very hot conditions and so the addition of air conditioning can mean that the computers can work as they are designed. This can keep the office up and running so that business can continue as usual.

Air conditioning units have become very efficient and so it could be a cost savings by installing a unit at this point. Some also can be combined with heating units, so the efficiency of the air conditioning is actually just total climate control.

While air conditioning doesn’t seem like something that can impact a business, it can do just that.